Rookie Teacher Speaker & Coach

Keeping New Teachers in the Game.

building the self-efficacy and confidence of new educators.


A Track Record of Results.

Andrea “Fitz” Fitzgerald is an educator, consultant and coach known for moving educational data and shifting mindsets. She truly believes to improve results; we must build the whole teacher and student by enhancing their self-efficacy with challenge and intentional support. As a result, Fitz continues to provide innovative resources and strategies to assist educators and students with the necessary tools to address challenges in and outside of the classroom.


Bringing the heat no matter what your beat.


Transformational keynote speaking, customized workshops or professional development sessions to employ and empower your rookie teachers to achieve optimal results.

Rookie math teacher Educational Consulting

Let’s Get Mathletically Fit!  Common Core + New Math Teacher expertise enabling your schools to move teacher practice and build leaders capacity; promoting positive shifts in student achievement data. Our consulting focuses on: 

  • Scouting Report and Instructional Analysis
  • Capacity Building and Support
  • Professional Development and Workshop

Past Partnerships